145 With my whole heart I cry; answer me, O Lord.
   I will keep your statutes.
146 I cry to you; save me,
   that I may observe your decrees.
147 I rise before dawn and cry for help;
   I put my hope in your words.
148 My eyes are awake before each watch of the night,
   that I may meditate on your promise.
149 In your steadfast love hear my voice;
   O Lord, in your justice preserve my life.
150 Those who persecute me with evil purpose draw near;
   they are far from your law.
151 Yet you are near, O Lord,
   and all your commandments are true.
152 Long ago I learned from your decrees
   that you have established them for ever.

153 Look on my misery and rescue me,
   for I do not forget your law.
154 Plead my cause and redeem me;
   give me life according to your promise.
155 Salvation is far from the wicked,
   for they do not seek your statutes.
156 Great is your mercy, O Lord;
   give me life according to your justice.
157 Many are my persecutors and my adversaries,
   yet I do not swerve from your decrees.
158 I look at the faithless with disgust,
   because they do not keep your commands.
159 Consider how I love your precepts;
   preserve my life according to your steadfast love.
160 The sum of your word is truth;
   and every one of your righteous ordinances endures for ever.

161 Princes persecute me without cause,
   but my heart stands in awe of your words.
162 I rejoice at your word
   like one who finds great spoil.
163 I hate and abhor falsehood,
   but I love your law.
164 Seven times a day I praise you
   for your righteous ordinances.
165 Great peace have those who love your law;
   nothing can make them stumble.
166 I hope for your salvation, O Lord,
   and I fulfil your commandments.
167 My soul keeps your decrees;
   I love them exceedingly.
168 I keep your precepts and decrees,
   for all my ways are before you.