For your sake have I suffered reproach :
and shame has covered my face.
I have become a stranger to my brothers :
an alien to my own mothers sons.
Zeal for your house has eaten me up :
and the taunts of those who taunt you have fallen on me.
I afflicted myself with fasting :
and that was turned to my reproach.
I made sackcloth my clothing :
and I became a byword to them.
Those who sit in the gate talk of me :
and the drunkards make songs about me.
But to you, Lord, I make my prayer :
at an acceptable time.
Answer me, O God, in your abundant goodness :
and with your sure deliverance.
Bring me out of the mire, so that I may not sink :
let me be delivered from my enemies, and from the deep waters.
I looked for someone to have pity on me,
but there was no man :
for some to comfort me, but found none.
They gave me poison for food :
and when I was thirsty, they gave me vinegar to drink.
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The Liturgical Psalter is © 1976, 1977, David L Frost, John A Emerton, Andrew A Macintosh.
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