Bible Browser

Job 22: 1-20

Eliphaz Speaks: Job’s Wickedness Is Great

22Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered:
2 ‘Can a mortal be of use to God?
   Can even the wisest be of service to him?
3 Is it any pleasure to the Almighty* if you are righteous,
   or is it gain to him if you make your ways blameless?
4 Is it for your piety that he reproves you,
   and enters into judgement with you?
5 Is not your wickedness great?
   There is no end to your iniquities.
6 For you have exacted pledges from your family for no reason,
   and stripped the naked of their clothing.
7 You have given no water to the weary to drink,
   and you have withheld bread from the hungry.
8 The powerful possess the land,
   and the favoured live in it.
9 You have sent widows away empty-handed,
   and the arms of the orphans you have crushed.*
10 Therefore snares are around you,
   and sudden terror overwhelms you,
11 or darkness so that you cannot see;
   a flood of water covers you.

12 ‘Is not God high in the heavens?
   See the highest stars, how lofty they are!
13 Therefore you say, “What does God know?
   Can he judge through the deep darkness?
14 Thick clouds enwrap him, so that he does not see,
   and he walks on the dome of heaven.”
15 Will you keep to the old way
   that the wicked have trod?
16 They were snatched away before their time;
   their foundation was washed away by a flood.
17 They said to God, “Leave us alone”,
   and “What can the Almighty* do to us?”*
18 Yet he filled their houses with good things—
   but the plans of the wicked are repugnant to me.
19 The righteous see it and are glad;
   the innocent laugh them to scorn,
20 saying, “Surely our adversaries are cut off,
   and what they left, the fire has consumed.”


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v 2.9.2
30 June 2021

From the oremus Bible Browser v2.9.2 30 June 2021.