Bible Browser

Job 31: 16-23

16 ‘If I have withheld anything that the poor desired,
   or have caused the eyes of the widow to fail,
17 or have eaten my morsel alone,
   and the orphan has not eaten from it—
18 for from my youth I reared the orphan* like a father,
   and from my mother’s womb I guided the widow*
19 if I have seen anyone perish for lack of clothing,
   or a poor person without covering,
20 whose loins have not blessed me,
   and who was not warmed with the fleece of my sheep;
21 if I have raised my hand against the orphan,
   because I saw I had supporters at the gate;
22 then let my shoulder blade fall from my shoulder,
   and let my arm be broken from its socket.
23 For I was in terror of calamity from God,
   and I could not have faced his majesty.


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v 2.9.2
30 June 2021

From the oremus Bible Browser v2.9.2 30 June 2021.