Bible Browser

Sirach 51: 11b-22

11 I will praise your name continually,
   and will sing hymns of thanksgiving.’
My prayer was heard,
12   for you saved me from destruction
   and rescued me in time of trouble.
For this reason I thank you and praise you,
   and I bless the name of the Lord.

Hebrew adds:

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
   for his mercy endures for ever;

Give thanks to the God of praises,
   for his mercy endures for ever;

Give thanks to the guardian of Israel,
   for his mercy endures for ever;

Give thanks to him who formed all things,
   for his mercy endures for ever;

Give thanks to the redeemer of Israel,
   for his mercy endures for ever;

Give thanks to him who gathers the dispersed of Israel,
   for his mercy endures for ever;

Give thanks to him who rebuilt his city and his sanctuary,
   for his mercy endures for ever;

Give thanks to him who makes a horn to sprout for the house of David,
   for his mercy endures for ever;

Give thanks to him who has chosen the sons of Zadok to be priests,
   for his mercy endures for ever;

Give thanks to the shield of Abraham,
   for his mercy endures for ever;

Give thanks to the rock of Isaac,
   for his mercy endures for ever;

Give thanks to the mighty one of Jacob,
   for his mercy endures for ever;

Give thanks to him who has chosen Zion,
   for his mercy endures for ever;

Give thanks to the King of the kings of kings,
   for his mercy endures for ever;

He has raised up a horn for his people,
   praise for all his loyal ones.

For the children of Israel, the people close to him.
   Praise the Lord!

Autobiographical Poem on Wisdom

13 While I was still young, before I went on my travels,
   I sought wisdom openly in my prayer.
14 Before the temple I asked for her,
   and I will search for her until the end.

15 From the first blossom to the ripening grape
   my heart delighted in her;
my foot walked on the straight path;
   from my youth I followed her steps.

16 I inclined my ear a little and received her,
   and I found for myself much instruction.
17 I made progress in her;
   to him who gives wisdom I will give glory.

18 For I resolved to live according to wisdom,*
   and I was zealous for the good,
   and I shall never be disappointed.
19 My soul grappled with wisdom,*
   and in my conduct I was strict;*

I spread out my hands to the heavens,
   and lamented my ignorance of her.
20 I directed my soul to her,
   and in purity I found her.

With her I gained understanding from the first;
   therefore I will never be forsaken.
21 My heart was stirred to seek her;
   therefore I have gained a prize possession.
22 The Lord gave me my tongue as a reward,
   and I will praise him with it.


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v 2.9.2
30 June 2021

From the oremus Bible Browser v2.9.2 30 June 2021.