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Psalm 101

1  I will sing of faithfulness and justice; ♦︎
   to you, O Lord, will I sing.
2  Let me be wise in the way that is perfect: ♦︎
   when will you come to me?
3  I will walk with purity of heart ♦︎
   within the walls of my house.
4  I will not set before my eyes ♦︎
   a counsel that is evil.
5  I abhor the deeds of unfaithfulness; ♦︎
   they shall not cling to me.
6  A crooked heart shall depart from me; ♦︎
   I will not know a wicked person.
7  One who slanders a neighbour in secret ♦︎
   I will quickly put to silence.
8  Haughty eyes and an arrogant heart ♦︎
   I will not endure.
9  My eyes are upon the faithful in the land, ♦︎
   that they may dwell with me.
10  One who walks in the way that is pure ♦︎
   shall be my servant.
11  There shall not dwell in my house ♦︎
   one that practises deceit.
12  One who utters falsehood ♦︎
   shall not continue in my sight.
13  Morning by morning will I put to silence ♦︎
   all the wicked in the land,
14  To cut off from the city of the Lord ♦︎
   all those who practise evil.

Psalm 102

1  O Lord, hear my prayer ♦︎
   and let my crying come before you.
2  Hide not your face from me ♦︎
   in the day of my distress.
3  Incline your ear to me; ♦︎
   when I call, make haste to answer me,
4  For my days are consumed in smoke ♦︎
   and my bones burn away as in a furnace.
5  My heart is smitten down and withered like grass, ♦︎
   so that I forget to eat my bread.
6  From the sound of my groaning ♦︎
   my bones cleave fast to my skin.
7  I am become like a vulture in the wilderness, ♦︎
   like an owl that haunts the ruins.
8  I keep watch and am become like a sparrow ♦︎
   solitary upon the housetop.
9  My enemies revile me all the day long, ♦︎
   and those who rage at me have sworn together against me.
10  I have eaten ashes for bread ♦︎
   and mingled my drink with weeping,
11  Because of your indignation and wrath, ♦︎
   for you have taken me up and cast me down.
12  My days fade away like a shadow, ♦︎
   and I am withered like grass.
13  But you, O Lord, shall endure for ever ♦︎
   and your name through all generations.
14  You will arise and have pity on Zion; ♦︎
   it is time to have mercy upon her;
      surely the time has come.
15  For your servants love her very stones ♦︎
   and feel compassion for her dust.
16  Then shall the nations fear your name, O Lord, ♦︎
   and all the kings of the earth your glory,
17  When the Lord has built up Zion ♦︎
   and shown himself in glory;
18  When he has turned to the prayer of the destitute ♦︎
   and has not despised their plea.
19  This shall be written for those that come after, ♦︎
   and a people yet unborn shall praise the Lord.
20  For he has looked down from his holy height; ♦︎
   from the heavens he beheld the earth,
21  That he might hear the sighings of the prisoner ♦︎
   and set free those condemned to die;
22  That the name of the Lord may be proclaimed in Zion ♦︎
   and his praises in Jerusalem,
23  When peoples are gathered together ♦︎
   and kingdoms also, to serve the Lord.
24  He has brought down my strength in my journey ♦︎
   and has shortened my days.
25  I pray, ‘O my God, do not take me in the midst of my days; ♦︎
   your years endure throughout all generations.
26  ‘In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, ♦︎
   and the heavens are the work of your hands;
27  ‘They shall perish, but you will endure; ♦︎
   they all shall wear out like a garment.
28  ‘You change them like clothing, and they shall be changed; ♦︎
   but you are the same, and your years will not fail.
29  ‘The children of your servants shall continue, ♦︎
   and their descendants shall be established in your sight.’


Luke 7: 31-35

31 ‘To what then will I compare the people of this generation, and what are they like? 32They are like children sitting in the market-place and calling to one another,
“We played the flute for you, and you did not dance;
   we wailed, and you did not weep.”
33For John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine, and you say, “He has a demon”; 34the Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, “Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax-collectors and sinners!” 35Nevertheless, wisdom is vindicated by all her children.’


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v 2.9.2
30 June 2021

From the oremus Bible Browser v2.9.2 30 June 2021.