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Psalm 23

1  The Lord is my shepherd; ♦︎
   therefore can I lack nothing.
2  He makes me lie down in green pastures ♦︎
   and leads me beside still waters.
3  He shall refresh my soul ♦︎
   and guide me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
4  Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
      I will fear no evil; ♦︎
   for you are with me;
      your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
5  You spread a table before me
      in the presence of those who trouble me; ♦︎
   you have anointed my head with oil
      and my cup shall be full.
6  Surely goodness and loving mercy shall follow me
      all the days of my life, ♦︎
   and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Psalm 24

1  The earth is the Lord’s and all that fills it, ♦︎
   the compass of the world and all who dwell therein.
2  For he has founded it upon the seas ♦︎
   and set it firm upon the rivers of the deep.
3  ‘Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord, ♦︎
   or who can rise up in his holy place?’
4  ‘Those who have clean hands and a pure heart, ♦︎
   who have not lifted up their soul to an idol,
      nor sworn an oath to a lie;
5  ‘They shall receive a blessing from the Lord, ♦︎
   a just reward from the God of their salvation.’
6  Such is the company of those who seek him, ♦︎
   of those who seek your face, O God of Jacob.
7  Lift up your heads, O gates;
      be lifted up, you everlasting doors; ♦︎
   and the King of glory shall come in.
8  ‘Who is the King of glory?’ ♦︎
   ‘The Lord, strong and mighty,
      the Lord who is mighty in battle.’
9  Lift up your heads, O gates;
      be lifted up, you everlasting doors; ♦︎
   and the King of glory shall come in.
10  ‘Who is this King of glory?’ ♦︎
   ‘The Lord of hosts,
      he is the King of glory.’


Hebrews 11: 4-7

The Examples of Abel, Enoch, and Noah

By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable* sacrifice than Cain’s. Through this he received approval as righteous, God himself giving approval to his gifts; he died, but through his faith* he still speaks. 5By faith Enoch was taken so that he did not experience death; and ‘he was not found, because God had taken him.’ For it was attested before he was taken away that ‘he had pleased God.’ 6And without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would approach him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. 7By faith Noah, warned by God about events as yet unseen, respected the warning and built an ark to save his household; by this he condemned the world and became an heir to the righteousness that is in accordance with faith.


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v 2.9.2
30 June 2021

From the oremus Bible Browser v2.9.2 30 June 2021.