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19  You spoke once in a vision and said to your faithful people: ♦︎
   ‘I have set a youth above the mighty;
      I have raised a young man over the people.
20  ‘I have found David my servant; ♦︎
   with my holy oil have I anointed him.
21  ‘My hand shall hold him fast ♦︎
   and my arm shall strengthen him.
22  ‘No enemy shall deceive him, ♦︎
   nor any wicked person afflict him.
23  ‘I will strike down his foes before his face ♦︎
   and beat down those that hate him.
24  ‘My truth also and my steadfast love shall be with him, ♦︎
   and in my name shall his head be exalted.
25  ‘I will set his dominion upon the sea ♦︎
   and his right hand upon the rivers.
26  ‘He shall call to me, “You are my Father, ♦︎
   my God, and the rock of my salvation;”
27  ‘And I will make him my firstborn, ♦︎
   the most high above the kings of the earth.
28  ‘The love I have pledged to him will I keep for ever, ♦︎
   and my covenant will stand fast with him.
29  ‘His seed also will I make to endure for ever ♦︎
   and his throne as the days of heaven.
30  ‘But if his children forsake my law ♦︎
   and cease to walk in my judgements,
31  ‘If they break my statutes ♦︎
   and do not keep my commandments,
32  ‘I will punish their offences with a rod ♦︎
   and their sin with scourges.
33  ‘But I will not take from him my steadfast love ♦︎
   nor suffer my truth to fail.
34  ‘My covenant will I not break ♦︎
   nor alter what has gone out of my lips.
35  ‘Once for all have I sworn by my holiness ♦︎
   that I will not prove false to David.
36  ‘His seed shall endure for ever ♦︎
   and his throne as the sun before me;
37  ‘It shall stand fast for ever as the moon, ♦︎
   the enduring witness in the heavens.’
38  But you have cast off and rejected your anointed; ♦︎
   you have shown fierce anger against him.
39  You have broken the covenant with your servant, ♦︎
   and have cast his crown to the dust.
40  You have broken down all his walls ♦︎
   and laid his strongholds in ruins.
41  All who pass by despoil him, ♦︎
   and he has become the scorn of his neighbours.
42  You have exalted the right hand of his foes ♦︎
   and made all his enemies rejoice.
43  You have turned back the edge of his sword ♦︎
   and have not upheld him in battle.
44  You have made an end of his radiance ♦︎
   and cast his throne to the ground.
45  You have cut short the days of his youth ♦︎
   and have covered him with shame.
46  How long will you hide yourself so utterly, O Lord? ♦︎
   How long shall your anger burn like fire?
47  Remember how short my time is, ♦︎
   how frail you have made all mortal flesh.
48  Which of the living shall not see death, ♦︎
   and shall deliver their soul from the power of darkness?
49  Where, O Lord, is your steadfast love of old, ♦︎
   which you swore to David in your faithfulness?
50  Remember, O Lord, how your servant is scorned, ♦︎
   how I bear in my bosom the taunts of many peoples,
51  While your enemies mock, O Lord, ♦︎
   while they mock the footsteps of your anointed.
52  Blessed be the Lord for evermore. ♦︎
   Amen and Amen.


Job 29: 1, 31: 1-40

Job Finishes His Defence

29Job again took up his discourse and said:

31‘I have made a covenant with my eyes;
   how then could I look upon a virgin?
2 What would be my portion from God above,
   and my heritage from the Almighty* on high?
3 Does not calamity befall the unrighteous,
   and disaster the workers of iniquity?
4 Does he not see my ways,
   and number all my steps?

5 ‘If I have walked with falsehood,
   and my foot has hurried to deceit—
6 let me be weighed in a just balance,
   and let God know my integrity!—
7 if my step has turned aside from the way,
   and my heart has followed my eyes,
   and if any spot has clung to my hands;
8 then let me sow, and another eat;
   and let what grows for me be rooted out.

9 ‘If my heart has been enticed by a woman,
   and I have lain in wait at my neighbour’s door;
10 then let my wife grind for another,
   and let other men kneel over her.
11 For that would be a heinous crime;
   that would be a criminal offence;
12 for that would be a fire consuming down to Abaddon,
   and it would burn to the root all my harvest.

13 ‘If I have rejected the cause of my male or female slaves,
   when they brought a complaint against me;
14 what then shall I do when God rises up?
   When he makes inquiry, what shall I answer him?
15 Did not he who made me in the womb make them?
   And did not one fashion us in the womb?

16 ‘If I have withheld anything that the poor desired,
   or have caused the eyes of the widow to fail,
17 or have eaten my morsel alone,
   and the orphan has not eaten from it—
18 for from my youth I reared the orphan* like a father,
   and from my mother’s womb I guided the widow*
19 if I have seen anyone perish for lack of clothing,
   or a poor person without covering,
20 whose loins have not blessed me,
   and who was not warmed with the fleece of my sheep;
21 if I have raised my hand against the orphan,
   because I saw I had supporters at the gate;
22 then let my shoulder blade fall from my shoulder,
   and let my arm be broken from its socket.
23 For I was in terror of calamity from God,
   and I could not have faced his majesty.

24 ‘If I have made gold my trust,
   or called fine gold my confidence;
25 if I have rejoiced because my wealth was great,
   or because my hand had acquired much;
26 if I have looked at the sun* when it shone,
   or the moon moving in splendour,
27 and my heart has been secretly enticed,
   and my mouth has kissed my hand;
28 this also would be an iniquity to be punished by the judges,
   for I should have been false to God above.

29 ‘If I have rejoiced at the ruin of those who hated me,
   or exulted when evil overtook them—
30 I have not let my mouth sin
   by asking for their lives with a curse—
31 if those of my tent ever said,
   “O that we might be sated with his flesh!”*
32 the stranger has not lodged in the street;
   I have opened my doors to the traveller—
33 if I have concealed my transgressions as others do,*
   by hiding my iniquity in my bosom,
34 because I stood in great fear of the multitude,
   and the contempt of families terrified me,
   so that I kept silence, and did not go out of doors—
35 O that I had one to hear me!
   (Here is my signature! Let the Almighty* answer me!)
   O that I had the indictment written by my adversary!
36 Surely I would carry it on my shoulder;
   I would bind it on me like a crown;
37 I would give him an account of all my steps;
   like a prince I would approach him.

38 ‘If my land has cried out against me,
   and its furrows have wept together;
39 if I have eaten its yield without payment,
   and caused the death of its owners;
40 let thorns grow instead of wheat,
   and foul weeds instead of barley.’

The words of Job are ended.


Acts 15: 1-11

The Council at Jerusalem

15Then certain individuals came down from Judea and were teaching the brothers, ‘Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.’ 2And after Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and debate with them, Paul and Barnabas and some of the others were appointed to go up to Jerusalem to discuss this question with the apostles and the elders. 3So they were sent on their way by the church, and as they passed through both Phoenicia and Samaria, they reported the conversion of the Gentiles, and brought great joy to all the believers.* 4When they came to Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church and the apostles and the elders, and they reported all that God had done with them. 5But some believers who belonged to the sect of the Pharisees stood up and said, ‘It is necessary for them to be circumcised and ordered to keep the law of Moses.’

The apostles and the elders met together to consider this matter. 7After there had been much debate, Peter stood up and said to them, ‘My brothers,* you know that in the early days God made a choice among you, that I should be the one through whom the Gentiles would hear the message of the good news and become believers. 8And God, who knows the human heart, testified to them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as he did to us; 9and in cleansing their hearts by faith he has made no distinction between them and us. 10Now therefore why are you putting God to the test by placing on the neck of the disciples a yoke that neither our ancestors nor we have been able to bear? 11On the contrary, we believe that we will be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, just as they will.’


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30 June 2021

From the oremus Bible Browser v2.9.2 30 June 2021.