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Exodus 25:10-22

The Ark of the Covenant

10 They shall make an ark of acacia wood; it shall be two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a half high. 11You shall overlay it with pure gold, inside and outside you shall overlay it, and you shall make a moulding of gold upon it all round. 12You shall cast four rings of gold for it and put them on its four feet, two rings on one side of it, and two rings on the other side. 13You shall make poles of acacia wood, and overlay them with gold. 14And you shall put the poles into the rings on the sides of the ark, by which to carry the ark. 15The poles shall remain in the rings of the ark; they shall not be taken from it. 16You shall put into the ark the covenant * that I shall give you.

17 Then you shall make a mercy-seat * of pure gold; two cubits and a half shall be its length, and a cubit and a half its width. 18You shall make two cherubim of gold; you shall make them of hammered work, at the two ends of the mercy-seat.* 19Make one cherub at one end, and one cherub at the other; of one piece with the mercy-seat* you shall make the cherubim at its two ends. 20The cherubim shall spread out their wings above, overshadowing the mercy-seat* with their wings. They shall face each other; the faces of the cherubim shall be turned towards the mercy-seat.* 21You shall put the mercy-seat* on the top of the ark; and in the ark you shall put the covenant* that I shall give you. 22There I will meet you, and from above the mercy-seat,* from between the two cherubim that are on the ark of the covenant,* I will deliver to you all my commands for the Israelites.


Matthew 5:7

‘Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.


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v 2.9.2
30 June 2021

From the oremus Bible Browser v2.9.2 30 June 2021.