Psalm 136
O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good
: for his mercy endures for ever.
O give thanks to the God of gods
: for his mercy endures for ever.
O give thanks to the Lord of lords
: for his mercy endures for ever;
To him who alone does great wonders
: for his mercy endures for ever;
Who by wisdom made the heavens
: for his mercy endures for ever;
Who stretched out the earth upon the waters
: for his mercy endures for ever;
Who made the great lights
: for his mercy endures for ever,
The sun to rule the day
: for his mercy endures for ever,
The moon and the stars to govern the night
: for his mercy endures for ever;
Who remembered us in our humiliation
: for his mercy endures for ever,
And delivered us from our enemies
: for his mercy endures for ever;
Who gives food to all that lives
: for his mercy endures for ever.
O give thanks to the God of heaven
: for his mercy endures for ever.