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Searching for: ‘fear of the lord’

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Job 28.28:

And he said to humankind,
“Truly, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom;
   and to depart from evil is understanding.”

Ecclesiasticus 1.11:

The fear of the Lord is glory and exultation,
   and gladness and a crown of rejoicing.

Ecclesiasticus 1.12:

The fear of the Lord delights the heart,
   and gives gladness and joy and long life.*

Ecclesiasticus 1.18:

The fear of the Lord is the crown of wisdom,
   making peace and perfect health to flourish.*

Ecclesiasticus 1.20:

To fear the Lord is the root of wisdom,
   and her branches are long life.*

Ecclesiasticus 1.27:

For the fear of the Lord is wisdom and discipline,
   fidelity and humility are his delight.

Ecclesiasticus 1.28:

Do not disobey the fear of the Lord;
   do not approach him with a divided mind.

Ecclesiasticus 2.10:

Consider the generations of old and see:
   has anyone trusted in the Lord and been disappointed?
Or has anyone persevered in the fear of the Lord* and been forsaken?
   Or has anyone called upon him and been neglected?

Ecclesiasticus 9.16:

Let the righteous be your dinner companions,
   and let your glory be in the fear of the Lord.

Ecclesiasticus 10.20:

Among family members their leader is worthy of honour,
   but those who fear the Lord are worthy of honour in his eyes.*

Ecclesiasticus 10.22:

The rich, and the eminent, and the poor—
   their glory is the fear of the Lord.

Ecclesiasticus 16.2:

If they multiply, do not rejoice in them,
   unless the fear of the Lord is in them.

Ecclesiasticus 19.17:

Question your neighbour before you threaten him;
   and let the law of the Most High take its course.*

Ecclesiasticus 19.20:

The whole of wisdom is fear of the Lord,
   and in all wisdom there is the fulfilment of the law.*

Ecclesiasticus 21.11:

Whoever keeps the law controls his thoughts,
   and the fulfilment of the fear of the Lord is wisdom.

Ecclesiasticus 23.27:

Those who survive her will recognize
   that nothing is better than the fear of the Lord,
and nothing sweeter than to heed the commandments of the Lord.*

Ecclesiasticus 25.6:

Rich experience is the crown of the aged,
   and their boast is the fear of the Lord.

Ecclesiasticus 25.11:

Fear of the Lord surpasses everything;
   to whom can we compare one who has it?*

Ecclesiasticus 27.3:

If a person is not steadfast in the fear of the Lord,
   his house will be quickly overthrown.

Ecclesiasticus 40.26:

Riches and strength build up confidence,
   but the fear of the Lord is better than either.
There is no want in the fear of the Lord,
   and with it there is no need to seek for help.

(21 to 24)

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v 2.9.2
30 June 2021

From the oremus Bible Browser v2.9.2 30 June 2021.